Supporting Your Independence
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Our NDIS Services

We provide disability support services to NDIS participants, giving them the support they need to live life to the fullest and get the most out of their NDIS funding.

Ways We Help

Our Support Services​

Our team of experienced professionals are committed to ensuring that all participants receive the highest quality care that helps them to improve their quality of life and work towards achieving their life goals.

Carer with disabled girl in home watering the plants

In-Home Support Services

Providing assistance and support with daily living activities.

Man with down syndrome living independently putting cups away in home

Supported Independent Living

Supporting participants to remain independent within their own home.

Young disabled girl participant in community at swimming school

Social and Community Participation

Helping participants be part of their local community.

In-Home Support

Helping you around your home

In-Home Support is vital for NDIS participants who require assistance with daily living activities, but wish to remain in the comfort and familiarity of their own homes. At Luna Support Services, we offer a range of in-home support services that are tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of each of our participants.

Our In-Home Support services can include assistance with daily living activities such as personal hygiene, meal preparation, medication management, and household chores.

Our experienced and compassionate support workers are trained to provide personalised care to each of our participants. We work closely with our participants to understand their needs and preferences, and to develop a support plan that meets their goals and maintains their independence.

Supported Independent Living

Providing support so you remain autonomous

Supported Independent Living (SIL) is a service that is designed to provide NDIS participants with the support they need to live independently in their own home. At Luna Support Services, we offer SIL services that are tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of each of our participants.

Our SIL services provide participants with a safe and comfortable living environment, while also supporting them in developing and maintaining the skills they need to live independently. Our team provides personalised care to each participant, assisting them with daily living activities such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, and shopping. We also offer support with developing independent living skills, such as budgeting, personal care, and social activities.

Our SIL services are designed to help participants achieve their goals and maintain their independence.

Social and Community Participation

Supporting you to access local activities

Community Participation is a key service offered by Luna Support Services for NDIS participants. It is designed to support participants in engaging with the community, building meaningful relationships, and participating in social and recreational activities.

Our experienced and qualified support workers work with participants to identify their interests, preferences and goals, and support them to build social connections within their local community. We believe that active community participation is crucial for enhancing the quality of life of our participants, and we strive to facilitate opportunities for them to engage in activities they enjoy.

Our Community Participation services are tailored to the unique needs and goals of each participant. We support participants in developing new skills, fostering friendships, and gaining confidence in their abilities. Our goal is to empower participants to participate in the activities that they enjoy and to help them achieve their full potential.

Community Nursing Care

Supporting to your wellbeing and health

Community Nursing Care at Luna Support Services offers a compassionate and comprehensive approach to supporting individuals within their own communities. Our dedicated team collaborates closely with clients to comprehend their unique health needs and objectives, ensuring a personalised care plan that encompasses not only medical support but also emotional and social wellbeing.

Our services are extensive, including the treatment of wounds, administering injections, monitoring blood glucose levels (BGLs) and blood pressures (BPs), among other critical health management tasks. Beyond these essential services, our community nursing care extends to assisting clients with medication management, chronic disease management, and preventative health measures. We also emphasise the importance of health education, empowering our clients with the knowledge and tools they need to take charge of their health.

Happy man in wheelchair smiling and laughing with friend
We Want To Support You

Get the most out of your NDIS funding

Our team of experienced support coordinators works with participants to develop a personalised plan that aligns with their goals and priorities. We assist participants in choosing the right service providers, ensuring that they receive the best value out of their NDIS plan.